Guidelines for celebrating social networking hashtag holidays

Guidelines for celebrating social networking hashtag holidays very highly relevant to

Social networking hashtag holiday season is everywhere – you’d think people just built them into up (hint: they did). When you are an element of the conversation isn’t just posting a regular red white-colored and blue image to celebrate Independence Day. While you can easily participate, it doesn’t mean you need to. The vacation needs to be highly relevant to your logo and you have to publish about this inside an imaginative way.

A couple of guidelines for celebrating social networking holidays and trending hashtags:

– Make sure the date hasn’t altered from the year before. You will find occasions once the date is gone to live in be celebrated on the certain day. All products marked by having an asterisk below ought to be double checked.

– Investigate the hashtag to locate it is true meaning. Make certain you completely understand this is behind it before you decide to brainstorm content ideas.

– Sporting along with other high-profile occasions have stringent rules on including their brands in almost any materials. Avoid mentions by name of this one really big football game or even the sports event that occurs once every four summers.

– Make certain the theme is pertinent for your customers and also to your brand. The issue I usually ask is: “Is it easy to understand the bond between your event and also the brand?” It should not be a stretch to determine the bond – it ought to be apparent.

A unique note about trending hashtags associated with when heartbreaking occasions occur on the planet: while you may go through empathy, it’s frequently occasions not highly relevant to your brand to sign up. Guidelines are flexible in line with the situation, only participate when the event happened nearby, affected people associated with your business, or even the event relates to your industry. While your participation develops from a great place, it frequently results in as disingenuous.

Brands succeeding at celebrating Social Networking Hashtag Holidays:

Denny’s sticks using its odd brand persona and comments on trending topics frequently, even making fun of composed holidays (here and here). For national pet day they added whisks to some cat’s whiskers plus they even poked fun at 711’s free slushie day.

Grubhub brings food to the doorstep, and themed happy to your feed. Here they celebrate Worldwide Joke Day having a Cheese joke (I won’t spoil it for you personally) and kabobs for each meal from the #4thofJuly

The very best photography April Fools’ jokes of 2016 were very highly relevant to the photography audience, while they didn’t always seem sensible for that wider community. They are great types of utilizing a holiday and which makes it highly relevant to the company.

Now, what you have been awaiting: an extensive help guide to social networking holidays in 2016:

The month of january

1: New Year’s Day (#NewYears)

2: Sci-fi Day (#ScienceFictionDay)

4: Trivia Day (#NationalTriviaDay)

10: Reduce Your Energy Costs Day (#CutYourEnergyCostsDay)

11: Clean Off The Office Day (#CleanOffYourDeskDay)

14: Decorate your Pet Day (#DressUpYourPetDay)

15: Hat Day (#NationalHatDay)

20: Cheese Enthusiasts Day (#CheeseLoversDay)

23: Cake Day (#NationalPieDay)

23: National Handwriting Day (#HandwritingDay)

25: Community Manager Appreciation Day (#CMAD)



2: Groundhog Day (#GroundHog Day)

4: World Cancer Day (#WorldCancer #KissCancerGoodbye)

5: Bubblegum Day (#BubblegumDay)

10: Umbrella Day (#NationalUmbrellaDay)

14: Love Day (#ValentinesDay)

17: Random Functions of Kindness Day (#RandomActsofKindnessDay)

18: National Battery Day (#NationalBatteryDay)

22: Margarita Day (#NationalMargaritaDay)



1: World Compliment Day (#WorldComplimentDay)

2: Old Stuff Day (#NationalOldStuffDay)

4: Day’s Unplugging (#NationalDayofUnplugging)

8: Proofreading Day (#NationalProofreadingDay)

8: Worldwide Women’s Day (#InternationalWomensDay)

13:* Daylight Savings Begins (#DaylightSavings)

14: Potato Nick Day (#NationalPotatoChipDay)

14: Pi Day (#PiDay)

17: St. Patrick’s Day (#StPatricksDay)

20:* First Day’s Spring (#FirstDayofSpring)

23: Puppy Day (#NationalPuppyDay)

25: Tolkein Studying Day (#TolkeinReadingDay)

31: World Backup Day (#WorldBackupDay)



1: April Fools Day (#AprilFools)

7: Beer Day (#NationalBeerDay)

10: Brothers and sisters Day (#NationalSiblingsDay)

16: Put on Your Pajamas to operate Day (#PJDay)

20: Look-alike Day (#NationalLookAlikeDay)

22: Earth Day (#EarthDay)

23: Picnic Day (#NationalPicnicDay)



3: Teacher Appreciation Day (#ThankATeacher)

4: The Exorcist Day (#Maythe4thBeWithYou)

5: Cinco de Mayo (#CincodeMayo)

6: Nurses Day (#NationalNursesDay)

8:* Mother’s Day (#MothersDay)

11: Receptionist Day (#NationalReceptionistDay)

15: Chocolate Nick Day (#NationalChocolateChipDay)



2: National Leave work Early Day (#LeaveTheOfficeEarlyDay)

3: Doughnut Day (#NationalDonutDay / #NationalDoughnutDay)

4: Social Day’s Hacking (#HackForChange)

6: Yo-Yo Day (#NationalYoYoDay)

8: Best Buddies Day (#NationalBestFriendsDay / #BestFriendsDay)

19:* Father’s Day (#FathersDay)

20:* First Day’s Summer time (#FirstDayofSummer)

24: Bring Your Dog to operate Day (#TakeYourDogtoWorkDay)

27: Shades Day (#NationalSunglassesDay)

30: Social Networking Day (#SMDay / #SocialMediaDay)


This summer

1: Postal Worker Day (#NationalPostalWorkerDay)

4: Independence Day (#IndependenceDay / #4thofJuly)

6: World Hug Day (#WorldKissDay)

13: French Fry Day (#NationalFrenchFryDay)

13: Embrace Your Geekness Day (#EmbraceYourGeeknessDay)

13: Worldwide Left-hander’s Day (#LefthandersDay)

17: National Frozen Treats Day (#IceCreamDay)

19: Aviation Day (#AviationDay)

25: Christmas in This summer (#ChristmasInJuly)

29: Lipstick Day (#NationalLipstickDay)



6: Fresh Breath Day (#NationalFreshBreathDay)

7: Friendship Day (#Friendshipday)

9: Book Enthusiasts Day (#NationalBookLoversDay)

15: Relaxation Day (#NationalRelaxationDay)

26: Dog Day (#NationalDogDay)



4: Hug Your Manager Day (#HugYourBossDay)

6: Read a magazine Day (#ReadABookDay)

11: Grandma and grandpa Day (#NationalGrandparentsDay)

12: Game Titles Day (#NationalVideoGamesDay)

19: Talk Just like a Pirate Day (#TalkLikeaPirateDay)

22:* First Day’s Fall (#FirstDayofAutumn / #FirstDayofFall)

29: Worldwide Coffee Day (#InternationalCoffeeDay)



3: Child Health Day (#ChildHealthDay)

3: Mean Women Day (#MeanGirlsDay)

4: Enhance Your Office Day (#ImproveYourOfficeDay)

4: Taco Day (#NationalTacoDay)

5: World Teacher’s Day (#WorldTeachersDay)

9: Moldy Cheese Day (#MoldyCheeseDay)

15: Grouch Day (#NationalGrouchDay)

17: Boss’s Day (#BossDay)

19: Mass Confusion Day (#InformationOverloadDay)

25: World Pasta Day (#PastaDay)

29: Cat Day (#NationalCatDay)31: Halloween (#Halloween / #HappyHalloween)


6: Saxophone Day (#SaxophoneDay)

6: Daylight Savings Ends (#DaylightSavings)

11: Veterans Day (#VeteransDay)

11: Sundae Day (#NationalSundaeDay)

13: World Kindness Day (#WorldKindnessDay)

15: Cleanse Your Refrigerator Day (#CleanOutYourRefrigeratorDay)

16: Button Day (#NationalButtonDay)

24:* Thanksgiving (#Thanksgiving)

26:* Small Company Saturday (#ShopSmall)

28:* Cyber Monday (#CyberMonday)

2: Special Education Day (#SpecialEducationDay)

5: Wally Disney’s birthday (#WaltDisney)

18: Bake Cookies Day (#BakeCookiesDay)

22: First Day’s Winter (#FirstDayofWinter)

25: Christmas (#MerryChristmas)

31: New Year’s Eve (#NewYearsEve)


The Ultimate Social Media Holiday Calendar for 2017


Phil Campbell: ironically the link is broken – – does not work.

HubSpot: You beat us to the punch, Phil! Let us know if you’re still having trouble checking out the link:

Lola Reed: wow- your entire website appears to be down- something must be REALLY wrong!

Lola Reed: Hey Hubbies- the link isn’t working… Please help!

Price Intelligently: This is supremely helpful. Thank you!