Funny thanksgiving day jokes and tongue twisters for children


Funny thanksgiving day jokes and tongue twisters for children Since the chicken had your

Take a look at these funny Thanksgiving Day jokes for children!
What always comes at the outset of parades?

The letter P!

Why would you never leave a poultry alone with Thanksgiving dinner?

While he will gobble, gobble up!

Why did the pilgrims eat poultry on Thanksgiving?

Since the moose wouldn’t easily fit in the oven!

Why did the pilgrims pants always fall lower?

Simply because they used their belt around their hat!

Why didn’t the poultry eat dessert?

While he had been stuffed!

Why did the poultry take part in the drums within the band?

While he already had drumsticks!

Why did the poultry mix the street?

Since the chicken had your day off!

Why did the poultry mix the street two times?

To demonstrate he wasn’t chicken!

Are you going to from the poultry has got the most down?

The outdoors!

What went down towards the poultry throughout the fight?

She got the stuffing bumped out of him!

What’s the sleepiest factor at Thanksgiving dinner?

The nap-kins!

Exactly what do Math teachers do on Thanksgiving?

Count their benefits!

When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?

Within the dictionary!

Exactly why is Thanksgiving a smart holiday?

Because it’s in Know-vember!

The number of cooks will it decide to try stuff a poultry?

One, however, you need to squeeze him in!

What’s in the genies poultry?


Exactly what do teddies and turkeys share?

Both are full of stuffing!

So why do turkeys gobble?

Simply because they never learned table matters!

If twenty Thanksgiving turkeys told terrible tales, the number of T’s would there maintain all?

None, all does not have any T’s!

What did the poultry tell the poultry hunter?

Quack, Quack, Quack!

The number of cranberries grow on the plant?


What’s big, eco-friendly and goes gobble, gobble?

A Poultry-saurus Rex!

Exactly what do you put on to Thanksgiving dinner?

A har-vest!

So why do turkeys lay eggs?

If they dropped them, they’d all break!

If April showers bring May flowers exactly what do May flowers bring?


What’s probably the most musical area of the poultry?

The drumstick!

What sort of key can’t open a door?

A tur-key!

Funny thanksgiving day jokes and tongue twisters for children grabbed goodies gluttonously

What sort of music did the pilgrims like?

Plymouth Rock!

What did pilgrims use to bake cookies?


Are you going to from the poultry has got the best meat?

The interior!

What’s the important thing to some great Thanksgiving dinner?

The poultry!

What’s blue and it has down throughout?

A poultry holding it’s breath!

What always comes in the finish of Thanksgiving?

The letter G!

Knock, Knock,

Who’s there?


Gladys who?

Gladys Thanksgiving, aren’t you!

Knock, Knock,

Who’s there?


Arthur who?

Arthur any Thanksgiving leftovers?

Knock, Knock,

Who’s there?


Harry who?

Harry up I’m hungry for Thanksgiving dinner!

Tongue Twisters

Pilgrim Pete passed pumpkin cake pieces perfectly.
Ten small turkeys tiptoe toward their father Tom.
Pilgrims grown perfect pumpkins peacefully.
Giant greedy gobblers grabbed goodies gluttonously.
Tim the poultry truly grateful for trying tacos on Thanksgiving


Funny Jokes


UNIQUE IVXY: I cant say all of them

idris: wow content you have here