To date in 2016, our Preschool through Grade 12 activities incorporated:
- 6 weekday student matinees around the Purdue campus and 19 off-campus performances and artist residencies in area schools
- Over 8,600 students attended
- 2,253 scholarships provided
- $16,043 in ticket scholarships and transportation scholarships was distributed because of generous individual contributors and corporations.
- Teacher Group Orders subsidized for less than $10 per ticket.
College-Level Activities Thanks to Supporters
Subsidized ticket vouchers for less than $10 whenever a faculty member connects a performance to curriculum
- On-campus residencies
- Master classes on special topics
We’re grateful for the student organizations
We’d like to appreciate our student organizations for all their effort all year round. Although a lot of their efforts can happen behind the curtain, they remain part of the items makes Convocations great!
- Student Concert Committee: 16 student people which have been selected with an application and procedure to advise Purdue Convocations about popular entertainment options for Purdue students around the West Lafayette campus.
- TEDxPurdueU: an individually organized TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) event, uses storytelling to nurture a culture of innovation through discussing ideas produced by Purdue students, faculty, alumni, and community people using the global TED community.
- Convocations Volunteer Network: students group that can help support and promote Convocations performing arts occasions
Possess a Happy Thanksgiving!
To create a gift supporting these wonderful possibilities for college students, go to the link below:
Support Purdue Convocations