Clip art: poultry dinner (b&w) – thanksgiving – holiday – food

Clip Art: Poultry Dinner B&W

Poultry dinner clip art in black and white-colored illustrates the standard Thanksgiving meal. Prepared to re-size and employ in newsletters as well as on advertising boards.






clip art

black and white-colored


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People > Clip Art > Holiday/Periodic > Thanksgiving

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20-Pound Gummy Turkey


Sergio Aguero: Next thing u know, Vat19 is excavating dinosaur feces and turning it to gummy.

Don't Read My name: Sergio Aguero and diabetes

Goname AJ: Toasted French fires OHHHHHHH

Monica R.: Am I the only one who thought it was satisfying when they were cutting the worm. \n\n\n\n\n\nJust me ok

Kayla Burdine: Monica R. you are not the only one

Geri Sanchez: me: Sees gummies\nMe: mom im hungry can we buy that?!

sade Meadows: Geri Sanchez you can have a heart attack

Reema Bhatia: There's one thing I want to say: Diabetes

Hanna 2: fuck off with your diabetic jokes.

duc nguyen: how do the staff in vat 19 not have diabetes yet

duc nguyen: Bubblegum's world it's not the end of the world so can you please not be ride

Zappy425: This is the best video you have ever made

Ias Sambita: Zappy425 i\n\nthis video is made food

MelMelunicornlover: I feel like I'm getting diabetes by just watching this.

Darma Chantay: This is like every kid's dream!����

Adora Phan: Did they get hyper after this diabetic meal?

ByunDolan: You know what they have??\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDiabetes.

Dylan Ly: ByunDolan k

k a t i e: Hands up non-American people who don't know why they watch these because we don't celebrate thanksgiving?!������

Demeria Wallace: raises hands shout out to the UK