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Resourse: http://proudtobeprimary.com/holidays-around-blog-its-poultry-time/
How to Draw A ROAST TURKEY Using Letters and Numbers with Muffalo Potato
Ruby Talavera: john can you draw a sandwich
lotski mordz: Muffalo Potato is so cool
taozerophoto: I really like how you do it with letters
Alex Collins: john please do a jaguar\n
Komedy King: Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!\nKeep drawing!!!!!\n
Muffalo Potato: +Komedy King Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!!
Bare Farewell: at my school we're suppose to draw a thanksgiving dinner with food and people and this really helps!
Alex Milanes: Bare Farewell .ñl
Poojari Nagesh Goud: Bare Farewell
Toan Tran: i like your pictures
Muffalo Potato: +Toan Tran Cool! Thanks!!
Bruce Chen: I agree
Gracie BassettSmith: Its my sisters birthday tomorrow 20 April
Juan Rodriguez: That's my birthday I'm turning 8 years old !!!!!!!!!!!
Muffalo Potato: +Juan Rodriguez Happy Birthday!!!!
Damiana Colangelo: Can you show me how to draw a purple minon
Mr Seven: Btw Jhon your awesome love your drawing so I just subbed you!
Mr Seven: And happy 2015!
Sofia Alex: 21 like it should have 100?
seynabou: The duck is so funny keep him on your channel.