Zorphbert & fred by beginning griffin – clipart fail: poultry

Thanksgiving originates and gone, but you’re most likely playing a lot of leftovers. What’s around the menu this Clipart FAIL edition? Poultry!

What the….. how is….. why does….. this made my brain break.

Yeah, here’s a different one I am unable to determine, but on the other hand it appears relevant to  Z&F. Aliens like poultry too!


YES. Yes, they’ve.

Wait, Thanksgiving is really a religious holiday now? Celebrating Jesus’ “Joe Cool” phase?

I’d run too, if your floating mind would try eating me. Not a chance, I wouldn’t require a mind to get it done, either.

This can be a poultry. Seriously. Clipart.com states so, and anything on the web is true.

Inside a deranged twist of occasions, the poultry revolted and ate the obnoxious family.

This poultry clipart makes me cry too, baby.

The following one I’d featured some time back. It had been mind-blowingly awful and confusing, also it was the piece that began Clipart FAIL posts to begin with. It’s surprisingly just like awful, when i happened onto it again on clipart.com. It requires your caption, however so try it out.

Resourse: http://zfcomics.com/blog/clipart-fail-poultry/

Dawn Griffin from Zorphbert & Fred